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Ronin Teriyaki Smoked Salmon Lettuce Wraps

Ronin Teriyaki Smoked Salmon Lettuce Wraps

Salmon is one of those foods that I forget about for too long at a time. I make it, and it reminds me of how incredible it tastes - all while being killer for you. Heathy fats and good protein, add it to your next grocery list. To pump the absolute most flavor out of the fine fillet, consider this awesome recipe we tossed together. These were perfect. Lettuce, some sauce, 3-4 chunks of salmon - we're on that Bald Eagle Diet these days. Lets gooooo.


Salmon & Cure

Glaze & Garnish


  • Skin and cube your thiccc Salmon filet into 1.5 inch cubes. Make sure there aren't any bones hanging around in there.
  • Mix Brown Sugar and Yama together into a bowl until the sugar dissolves completely.
  • Place the Salmon cubes into a large freezer bag and pour in the curing liquid. Get as much air out of the bag as possible and put the bag in the fridge overnight
  • Put a wire rack onto a cookie sheet and space out the cubes. The cookie sheet will help deflect the direct heat when cooking so don't skip this step.
  • Let them sit unwrapped in the fridge for at least an hour. This will help the surface of the Salmon dry.
  • Set the smoker as low as you can. The goal is to continue to dehydrate the salmon while adding strong smoke flavor.
  • Smoke for 3-4 hours
  • Glaze with Ronin Teriyaki Sauce and season with Carbivore. Smoke 5 to 10 minutes to let the sauce set
  • Lay out your lettuce and apply a mound of Kimchi, if you've never had it you'll be addicted soon enough. Top with as many pieces of salmon that will fit and send it down the hatch