Our #1 Goal: FLAVOR
Our growing selection of hot sauces has been purpose built to compliment our world-known seasoning blends. Made in the USA from all-natural ingredients and paired with an unconditional freshness and flavor promise... Either you love it or you get your cash back.
◆ Gluten Free / Non-GMO
◆ All Natural
◆ Free of Additives or Fillers
◆ Made in the USA
◆ Guaranteed Tasty AF
Our #1 Goal: FLAVOR
Our growing selection of hot sauces has been purpose built to compliment our world-known seasoning blends. Made in the USA from all-natural ingredients and paired with an unconditional freshness and flavor promise... Either you love it or you get your cash back.
◆ Gluten Free / Non-GMO
◆ All Natural
◆ Free of Additives or Fillers
◆ Made in the USA
◆ Guaranteed Tasty AF
If you are one of those dedicated individuals that is putting in a countless number of hours at the gym, you have probably already realized that no workout regime is complete without a proper meal plan. Regardless of how much work you are putting into your training or how many CrossFit walls you are scaling, if you are not including proper and healthy eating into your daily routine, the results you see will be far from those that you desire. However, knowing how to construct a fitting meal plan can be difficult for someone with limited knowledge and experience in doing so. For this reason, we bring you beginning tips and tricks that will help you get started on accomplishing this otherwise challenging feat.
To begin, you want to designate the number of meals you will need to prepare for in a given week. During this initial phase, it is also important to consider whether or not you will plan to travel or eat out, as well as think about what your daily schedule looks like throughout the week. In this brainstorming phase, you might also consider what type of food sounds appetizing and that you will enjoy eating in that particular week or season. Always keep your goals in mind. Paleo or not; whole foods will always win out.
You will want to create a budget that is personal to what you can afford and what you would like to spend on food each week. When you have done this, it is time to reach for the pen, paper, or computer to sketch out your weekly meals. When you have combined this weekly sketch with your daily time allowances and food preferences, the next step to employ is the collection of recipes that you can use throughout the week.
Whether you prefer to find your recipes online, through magazines, or even cookbooks, consider the variety of methods you can use to search for meal ideas that will keep you satisfied throughout the week. When choosing recipes, it is also worth it to consider those that will provide several servings in one preparation, thus providing multiple meals to fill your week’s plan.
After collecting your recipes, create a firm meal calendar that includes each meal that you plan to eat during the day in a particular week. Whether opting to create a paper copy or a copy you can access online, employ a calendar method that will keep you engaged and that will facilitate easy access. We prefer using Evernote. Evernote is a cross-platform note keeping app.
Once you have created your calendar, it is time to create your grocery list and to take a trip to your preferred supermarket or farmers market. After returning with the necessary items, preparation for a week’s worth of meals is best and most easily completed in an evening filled with cooking and organizing. Most athletes take Sunday evening and devote a few hours to "meal prep'. Consider organizing your meals into individual Tupperware bowls and plates to allow for easy selection and packing for each day’s meal. For ideas, be sure to search the #mealprep or #mealprepsunday hashtags on social!
Adam Scott for Tacticalories