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Assault Athlete Training - Day 5

Assault Athlete Training - Day 5


Week 1 — Day 5 "Odd Object Day"

  1. Assault Athlete warm-up - 3x50 ft of the following... Side Step Lunges, Forward Jog, Backwards Jog, L Shuttle, R Shuttle, Bear Crawl
  2. Mobilize - Foam roll, light stretching, etc.
  3. Kettlebell Complex "Moderate" x 5 Rounds
    - 5 Goblet Squats + 5 RDL + 5 High Pull
  4. Kettlebell Complex "Heavy" x 5 Rounds (Heavier than previous)
    - 5 Double Swing + 3 Clean + 1 Strict Press
  5. Sand Bag or Atlas Stone over Threshold. As Heavy As Possible.
    - 5 x 2:00 AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
  6. Max Duration Plank x3 
Assault Athlete Daily Programming

Daily programming for the most savage among us. Follow along using#AssaultAthlete on social!  

Welcome to the program that will transform you from mediocre to straight savage. It's unconventional, but so are our goals. I've personally contracted the help of one of the most savage trainers in the game; Rob Saeva of No Coast Strength & Conditioning. His results speak for themselves and I want nothing but the best for this group.

After much discussion on the goals of the followers of this site, Rob has crafted a program that is all inclusive, challenging, and perfectly oriented for your goal of being the most prepared in the room.

Step it - It's Assault Athlete Training and it's FREE exclusively at Tacticalories.com.

Programming by NoCoastSC
Learn more @ www.tacticalories.com